Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Cashar ku saabsan Microsoft Windows (Qeybtii 1aad)

What is a window?
Operating system is set of computer instruction called a computer program that controls the all action of computer hardware such as
Memory, Disk Devices, Printer, and CD room Drivers and provides the capability for you to communicate with your computer.
The most popular and widely used a operating system for personal computer is Microsoft windows.

Starting and logging on to windows.
Turn on your computer’s monitor.
The on/off switch for most monitors is located just below the monitor’s screen. Most monitors won’t display anything until the computer is turned on
Your system should make a whirring sound and performs its internal checks and loads any startup commands it is set up to use.
If necessary, press Ctrl- Alt- Delete to start the log on procedure.

The log on to windows dialog appears. Enter your use name and password then press Enter or click ok

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